New Kids on the Blog
Vow Collective New Products + 2020 Projects
This year, I’ve had several clients purchase vow gifts for friends they are unable to celebrate with in person due to the pandemic. And that reminds me how special my job is. Creating gifts for people who miss intentional togetherness.
How to Have a Successful Marriage, According to a Divorce Lawyer
“Maybe that's part of what complicates our staying connected to another person. If it's hard to navigate ourselves or explain ourselves to ourselves, how can we expect to do it for another person? Or expect them to do it for us? Yet without that explanation, it's even more difficult to maintain connection, particularly in a world where there's so much stuff (temptation, distraction) creating disconnection.”
How to Commemorate That Wedding Speech You Spent Time Writing for the Happy Couple
Let the wedding couple know you're celebrating them from afar, by gifting them your favorite snippet from your wedding speech (or heck, the entire thing!). This is a really sweet way to commemorate that speech you spent time writing for the couple you love so much. You worked hard on your speech, you spent time celebrating them with your words, now you can help them remember it forever.
Say Your Wedding Vows to One Another Once a Week | May's Marriage Challenge
We need a challenge to encourage us to be patient with them. A challenge to encourage us to put their needs above our own. A challenge that encourages us to bravely love them.
This month, we will be saying our Wedding Vows to one another once a week.
A Marriage Worth Paying Attention To | This is Us
Buying these mugs won’t solve your marital problems, but I do think there could be some serious marriage magic that happens when one of you gets out your matching mugs and tells your partner “Tonight, we’re calling marriage, I’ll make the tea”. Maybe these are your conflict resolving mugs. Maybe these are your grounding mugs. Maybe these are your, Lets connect together mugs.
Steps I'm Taking to Make My Etsy Shop More Affordable
We get what we pay for.
At The Vow Collective, I have always felt my prices reflected that statement. My clients get what they pay for.
My clients pay a good chunk of change, for a quality piece of REALLY meaningful art work as well as a positive experience with an experienced artist.
But I’ve been wanting to make my store more affordable for a wider variety of clients. Here’s what I’ve done…
April Marriage Challenge | Routine Tunes!
We’re calling this month’s marital challenge: Routine Tunes!
If you have the privilege of seeing your spouse every day at a certain time, your challenge is to pick a random album, play it, and dance to it.
The best ways to celebrate your gals on Galentine’s
What would we do without our best gals? Our bosom friends. Our kindred spirits. Without them, who would we admit how many oreos we eat to? Who would we cry our eyes out to on Marco Polo? Who would we dance in deserted parking lots with? Who would we dress up as pirates with to get free Krispy Kreme?
The Vow Collective | Featured on With Joy
Intentionality. The number one word behind The Vow Collective is intentionality. As a wife, I want to keep my conversations with my husband both meaningful and purposeful. As a calligrapher, I want my clients to be encouraged to keep their marriage a priority as they encounter their vows on their bedroom walls every day.
Christmas Print Collection | 2019
This collection consists of words that remind me of who I am. Words that remind me of who I believe God to be. And Words that remind me of what I believe to be the impact of a baby born to someday die to save the souls of man. This collection has a little something for everyone, whether you have a faith or not.