Vow Calligraphy | Devon + Caleb's Love Story
Stories in general can inspire us, can reach into the depths of our souls with healing and restoration, and can forever change the course of our lives.
I also believe love is just as powerful.
Vow Calligraphy | Josie + Matt's Love Story
Josie and Matt talk a lot about team work in their vows. They recognize that being married means being for each other and on each others’ team.
Vow Calligraphy | Kelly + Dustin
One of my favorite lines from Love Actually, is when Hugh Grant is narrating the end of the movie, he says, “Love is, actually, all around.” Further proof of that? Kelly and Dustin met at a gas station. Love can be found anywhere. At any place.
Vow Calligraphy | Emily's Love Story
It feels like snorting magical unicorn dust every time I get to read a couples’ vows.
I love how a couples’ values and hearts for one another come out in their words. Especially if they’ve written their own vows.
ENGAGEMENT | Alycia + Reinder
Her gift of singleness the past twenty-ish years hasn’t defined her, but it’s something I’ve appreciated about her story.
She’s journeyed so faithfully with the Lord through singleness and has shown me what it’s like to surrender our lives to Christ— she’s shown me what it’s like to “marry adventure” and what it’s like to be a single woman who desires marriage. She’s shown me that God is faithful, provides family, and epic experiences whether we’re in a relationship or not.