Gilbriar Gazebo and Gardens Wedding | Fredrericksburg, Texas | Kaylin + Patrick
After this wedding in Fredericksburg, TX, we were tired to the ends of our toes (is that a thing people say?) when we walked back into our Air BnB. Kaylin and Patrick partied hard. Danced hard. We Snapped our pictures to the best of our abilities while partying hard. We were ready to fall into bed.
But that’s not what we did.
We took a few minutes to write out some of our favorite moments from the day. Moments not everyone saw. Moments we felt made Patrick and Kaylin people of great character. Moments we think they might not even remember. Here’s what we loved most about their wedding day:
The most unforgettable moment: Kaylin trying to kiss Patrick at the altar , right as her dad was passing her off to Patrick. All at once Patrick was trying to tell her not to kiss him, she was catching herself in the act, and the officiant was also trying to tell her not to kiss him yet. It cut any wedding nerves in half and Kaylin trying to steal a kiss right at the beginning, put everyone at the ceremony into a fit of giggles I’ve never seen before. It was awesome. Now she can kiss him any time she wants (Sweet Home Alabama, anyone?).
That groom though: Patrick was genuinely excited to have each of his groomsmen there. This was evident from his interactions with them. In a way words can’t even really describe.
Their attitude: Throughout the day we repeatedly heard them voicing their gratitude to everyone for being there. Us included.
Their personalities: Nothing beats How goofy Kaylin and Patrick are together. They are two big weird goofballs.
First Dance: Kaylin singing the Italian part of Perfect by Ed Sheeran and Andrea Bocelli. Like, perfectly. NO shame. Scroll down to catch her in action.
Shoe Shenanigans: How kind and unselfish they were during the shoe game. They were pretty selfless with their answers. Usually couples throw each other under the bus, but these two owned up to their crazy.
That Bride Though: I honestly really loved how Kaylin didn’t obsess over details or how she looked. She was a gorgeous dream all day.
Their vows: I’m not sure if they’d seen each others’ vows beforehand, but both of them mentioned how much they looked forward to being married to their best friend. And both of them mentioned how they couldn’t wait to cheer on the Oklahoma Thunder together. I think that’s the cutest even though I don’t even know what sport that is.