Our Best Halloween Costumes

Putting together a couples costume is one of my absolute favorite things. I grew up performing Theatre and loving fashion, so costumes have a special place in my heart.. I remember the day our theatre director needed us to try on costumes at our city’s costume shop— the moment I walked in, I was in love. Bright Pieces of material intricately sewn together to create creatures, villains, and heroes from different time periods and realms. I remember looking through a bunch of forties and fifties dresses wishing we still wore them. It was such a magical place.

Our best costumes (and most over budget costumes) are Fantastic Mr. Fox and Peter Rabbit (and Mr. McGregor… and his garden)!

Brett was such a trooper for both of these costumes. For both of these costumes he essentially wore his suit jacket with a shirt and tie, and I did his makeup or added fur accessories to make him look like an animal. I’ve found it’s easier to convince him to participate in these costumes if he gets to wear clothes he’s comfortable in.

Halloween Costume 2015: Fantastic Mr. Fox


We love this movie. It’s clever, pretty, and well-made. I made some fox ears and a tail for our fox costume… and then I created our fox faces with A LOT of bronzer. While I love our costumes together, Brett’s costume,, gets a ton of hits on Pinterest every year.


Halloween Costume 2018: Peter Rabbit, Mr. McGregor, Mr. McGregor’s Garden

This past year, I turned myself into (a very stylish) Peter Rabbit and made Brett dress up as Mr. McGregor IN his garden (he actually wore that fence covered in vegetables… it was awesome).

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I’m not sure what this year holds. We’ve talked over and over about transforming into the Baudeliare children from Lemony Snicket’s Unfortunate Events, but we really haven’t ever been able to find a Sonny to carry around. Like, we would have to commit to carrying a toddler with us wherever we go for an entire night just so people would understand our costume. Nah.

What’s the best Halloween costume you’ve ever had? Maybe you aren’t a costume person, what’s the best costume you’ve ever seen?

Thanks for sharing in my love for costuming and creativity.

P.S. I never got amazing pictures of this, but I dressed up as Mrs. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus. I sewed together this costume (SO POORLY! Brett had to cut me out of the top!) And SO wish I would have held onto this skirt. It’s so cute! Here’s what it looked like from the back:


Stacie Stine

New York City Photographer that makes you feel seen and celebrated through un-rushed portrait and lifestyle photo sessions in Central Park and all around the city!


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