Stacie Stine

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1950’s inspired Star Trek halloween costume | Beam Me Up Scotty!

I think my ship left without me. But don’t worry, my phaser pistol is set to stun. Do you like my 1950’s inspired Star Trek halloween costume?!

I had so much fun putting together this outfit! If you didn’t know, this is not a costume, but is actually considered a bound.

This is my first time to bound. If you’re not sure what bounding is, I totally get it! I saw #disneybound on Instagram a few years ago and had to look it up because I’d never heard of it (that makes me feel like a social media grandma, admitting I had to look something up!). Bounding is when you wear your own clothing to create a costume-like outfit. Color Me Courtney is an absolutely boss at Disney Bounds. Here are all the bounds she came up with during quarantine).

I’m not sure if dressing like a Disney character is how bounding started, but it’s a trend that I’ve absolutely fallen in love with. It’s not cosplay. And it’s not a costume. It’s an actual outfit you would wear socially or in public.

Just in case you’re wondering about that awesome communicator pinned to my sweater. It’s an actual pin I designed out of clay and painted to look like the communicators from Star Trek: Voyager (Because that’s the Star Trek I grew up on!).

I am SO excited to wear my pin (like a true nerd) with other outfits in public. I think it will get a lot of questions and comments don’t you?

My outfit details:

Feaux Leather Skirt- Thrifted (similar here)

Turtle Neck- Thrifted (similar here)

Sweater- Target (this is the closest thing they have to it!)

Chunky Black Belt- H&M

This little alien’s ship also left her all alone, so I told her she could come hang out with me!

See this gallery in the original post